Ad Scheduling allows you to schedule an Ad to be automatically enabled/paused at a specific time in the future.  You can configure an Ad to automatically change status, either once in the future, or daily, weekly, or monthly.

This functionality is unique to Adalysis and is not available in Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising.


How it works

After selecting the Ad, you can set the conditions for scheduling using the shown menu:

There are four different options for scheduling the ads:

N.B.  All dates and times are in the timezone of the Google Ads account being used.

Adalysis Ad Schedules in Google Ads or Microsoft Ads

Ad schedules in Adalysis are implemented using labels.  When you create a new schedule, a label gets created (and added to the Ad) with the schedule details in it, e.g. the label name for an Ad gets enabled weekly each Wednesday will be Enable Weekly on Wednesday at 5am.

Please note, Adalysis supports labels for Microsoft Ads (which work exactly the same as in Google Ads) but the Microsoft labels will exist only within Adalysis since Microsoft Ads doesn't have labels of its own.

Using labels to configure the Ad schedules make it easy to immediately see if and what schedules exist for which Ads.

Once an Ad schedule is executed, the Adwords label will remain linked to the Ad until you decide to delete the label.

How to Remove an Ad Schedule

You can delete a schedule by either deleting the Google Ads label directly or by selecting the ads and using the following: