If you want to AB test the RSAs in a set of adgroups, you will need a tool allowing you to quickly copy and edit the RSAs in bulk. Here is a workflow Adalysis has developed to help you implement this process.

Check this video if you want to see the A/B testing workflow for Responsive Search Ads in more detail. 

Step 1. Select the ad groups in which you want to create the RSA copies

Using the filters in the Adgroups screen, select ad groups where you want to create a copy of an existing RSA. 

Step 2. Copy RSAs

Under the Tools > Create ads > Copy RSAs menu option to open the tool. 

You will need to select a criteria to determine which of the existing RSAs in an ad group should be copied (in case there is more than one).

You will also need to assign a label to the new ads so that you can quickly locate them afterward to make the necessary copy or pinning changes. You can select the label from your existing ones or create a new label beforehand under Adgroups → Labels → Manage labels → Create new labels.

Optionally, you can check the box Keep the same pinning as in the source ads to preserve the pinning of the original ads. 

The new ads will be created in the ad groups where the original ads are. 

Step 3. Modify the new ads

You can now use the RSA Asset Manager to change the assets of the newly created RSAs to any other variation.

This will open the Asset Manager where you can make bulk changes to a set of RSAs.  Use the filters at the top to quickly find the newly created ads by the ad label you used in the previous step. 

You can now make the necessary changes in the copy or change the assets pinning in the newly created ads.